
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Random Update On A Whiting Well In Pronghorn Prospect, Southwest North Dakota -- October 25, 2014

It seems the Pronghorn prospect in southwest North Dakota has very mixed results. Some wells seem to be very, very good; others not quite so good. It looks like Whiting is going to be reporting some nice wells in this area. This is one example:
  • 24830, conf,Whiting, Pronghorn Federal 44-11PH, Park, coming off confidential: list on January 4, 2015:
DateOil RunsMCF Sold

US Having Coolest Year On Record: 2014

Real Science is reporting:
The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.
Spoiler alert / warning: A real scientific graph is posted at the link. 

1 comment:

  1. I noted that well, and several others, when I was updating Park Field:

    Whiting will report some nice wells, and it will be interesting to get answers to the questions you've asked.


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