
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Apple Hits New All-Time High: $728-Pre-Split-Share -- October 22, 2014

A reader occasionally asks me the "climate" in DFW with regard to Ebola; if folks were nervous, etc. I replied that I'm pretty much of a hermit; I am out and about every day but don't have a group of with whom I join for coffee. I'm also in one of the many, many suburbs in the DFW area. I have been to Ft Worth numerous times (mostly to visit the art museums) but do not recall visiting Dallas the first 18 months that we have been here. We've been to Moneygram Soccer Park, north Dallas, apparently, but it sure isn't Dallas.

So, what are folks talking about in the Starbucks I generally visit? the iPhone 6. ApplePay. The new iPads. Not one person mentioned Ebola; even at the height of the Ebola scare, it wasn't much of a topic out here. This particular Starbucks has very few regulars, mostly folks coming in and out. I assume Ebola, politics, etc., are the major topics of conversation at other Starbucks, but out here ... the iPhone. 

Link here to the business story on AAPL shares hitting new all-time highs today:
As of this writing it's at $103.95, leaping past the previous high of $103.74.
There's no specific reason for the shares to be soaring today. If anything, it's a continued reaction to strong earnings on Monday, and a solid overall market for the day. 
The reason investors feeling good about Apple comes down to one thing — the iPhone 6. 
Apple says it is selling all the iPhones it can make. It says supply and demand aren't even on the same planet. Apple is the iPhone company, and iPhones are selling well.
Apple still isn't near it's all time highest market cap value, though. The company has bought back shares, so its market cap still lags its all-time high.
Apparently the writer doesn't read Tim Cook's comments posted elsewhere. The reason Apple is soaring today: Tim Cook said yesterday that Apple isn't coming close to keeping up with demand for the new iPhone and he does not know how long this situation will last.

Oh, one other thing: if Apple does catch up with demand in the next six weeks or so, then ... the holiday season and it starts all over again. 

The other reason: shorts are getting squeezed.

I cannot count the number of articles in the past three months saying AAPL has passed its peak. LOL.

This is not an investment site. Do not make any investment, financial, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here. I am Apple Fanboy #3; I have never owned shares in AAPL, and probably never will.


The EOG Liberty wells have been updated / are tracked here

The Number Of Active Rigs In North Dakota Hanging In There

I'm impressed -- the number of active rigs hangs in there --

Active Rigs192182185195151

A Note For The Granddaughters

The mnemonic for remembering all the species of penguins (the species of penguins as listed by the Boston Aquarium, 2012, from largest to smallest in size):


Each Krazy Girl Carries A Young Rabbit.
My Eyes See Funny Noses.
See My Hat And Gloves. Light Blue.
  • Emperor 
  • King 
  • Gentoo 
  • Chinstrap 
  • Adelie 
  • Yellow-Eyed 
  • Royal 
  • Macaroni 
  • Erect-Crested 
  • Snares Island 
  • Fiordland 
  • Northern Rockhopper 
  • Southern Rockhopper 
  • Magellanic 
  • Humboldt 
  • African 
  • Galapagos 
  • Little Blue
And, yes, both the older granddaughter and I knew this mnemonic for quite some time, though we haven't had occasion to use it in quite some time. 


  1. IS your quote of Apple a t$700+a share a mistype. I see apple at about$103

    1. Nope: this was based on pre-split shares. AAPL recently split 7-1.


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