
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wednesday Morning News

Let's see, a 30-cent replacement part would have prevented 13 deaths due to a faulty GM ignition switch and the CEO says that behavior was "unacceptable." That's refreshing. To hear that that was simply "unacceptable." So, let's move on.

Is she suggesting some might have thought that it was acceptable? I find it amazing what Government Motors can get away with these days. Why wasn't the retired GM CEO under whose this occurred subpoenaed to appear before Congress. I was not aware that statute of limitations applied here.


An 8.1 magnitude earthquake in Chile overnight. I don't think they are fracking in Chile. 


At Drudge, these two stacked headlines:

I think what he meant to say: FLASHBACK: Obama Was Seen as Lemon From Start, Data Shows ...


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