
Friday, April 11, 2014

The Long Reach Of The Bakken -- All The Way To Denmark; Long Creek Oil Field; Antarctic Ice At Record Levels And Growing; So Much For All That Talk About "Extreme Weather" -- Quieter Hurrican Season Predicted, The Atlantic Ocean Has Cooled Appreciably

Some time ago a reader told me that when "Wall Street" discovered the Bakken, things would take off. Buckle your seat belts. A reader (and mineral rights owner) from Denmark sent me this:
Zavanna has just spud 4 out of 6 wells going south in Long Creek, sections 3/10. Our family in Denmark and Sweden has mineral rights in both sections (and, also section 15).
and this from a Blackstone press release:
River Bend (Blackstone) is participating as a non-operating working interest partner in Zavanna’s development program, including a 3 rig program and over $200 million gross operated capital budget for 2014.
Blackstone, based in New York City, is the largest alternative investment firm in the world, is obviously heavily invested in the Bakken.

This, of course, naturally begs the question: whose deep pockets on Wall Street is backing Slawson? Is Blackstone involved with other operators in addition to Zavanna?

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment decisions based on what you read here or what you think you may have read here.

Long Creek Oil Field

Long Creek oil field is smack dab in the middle of the Bakken and sits between two sweet spots: the Stockyard Creek in Williams County to the north and immediately west of the incredible Truax and Banks fields in McKenzie County to the east. Long Creek oil field is about 18 sections; just south of Stockyard Creek east of Williston.


None, so far (as of July 16, 2016)

2015 (list is complete)
30900, 640, CLR, Reckitt Federal 1-22H, 25 stages, 2.9 million lbs, spud May 8, 2015; TD May 23, 2015, t9/15; cum 104K 5/16;

2014 (list is complete)
28594, 1,676, Zavanna, Simmental 2-11 4TFH, 50 stages, 5.8 million lbs, t5/15; cum 192K 5/16;
28593, 564, Zavanna, Simmental 2-11 3H, 50 stages, 5.6 million lbs, t5/15; cum 163K 5/16;
28592, 2,024, Zavanna, Simmental 2-11 2TFH, t5/15; cum 186K 5/16;
28591, 726, Zavanna, Simmental 2-11 1H, t6/15; cum 200K 5/16;
28886, 2,342, Zavanna, Gust 2-11 2H, t5/15; cum 32K 5/16;
28885, 1,360, Zavanna, Gust 2-11 3TFH, t4/16; cum 21K with two months of production;

2013 (list is complete)
26771, 1,060, CLR, Winston 7-12H, t7/14; cum 229K 5/16;
26770, 717, CLR, Winston 6-12H1, t7/14; cum 187K 5/16; 
26687, 1,210, Zavanna, Angus 3-10 7H, t4/15; cum 181K 5/16; 
26685, 1,543, Zavanna, Angus 3-10 5H, t3/15; cum 101K 5/16;
26684, 567, Zavanna, Angus 3-10 3TFH, t9/15; cum 154K 5/16;
26682, 2,770, Zavanna, Angus 3-10 1H, t9/15; cum 164K 5/16;
26677, 695, Zavanna, Nelson 3-10 2TFH, t12/15 cum 112K 5/16;
26676, 630, Zavanna, Nelson 3-10 3TFH, t12/15; cum 102K 5/16;

23189, 409, CLR, Winston 3-12H, t11/12; cum 161K 5/16;
23188, 457, CLR,Winston 2-12H, t11/12; cum 185K 5/16;

Global Warming Update

Antarctica sea ice 1,282,000 sq km above normal and climbing.

The graph is here. It's called an anomaly. LOL. An anomaly since 2012?

Rock and Roll All Nite, Kiss Nation

Another Global Warming Inconvenient Truth

Reuters is reporting: quieter-than-normal hurricane season. Why? Because the Atlantic Ocean has cooled appreciably.
Phil Klotzbach, who heads the CSU team, said the lower forecast was based on cooler waters in the tropical Atlantic and expectations that El Nino, the climate pattern that creates wind shear, making it harder for storms to develop into hurricanes, will form this year.
"The tropical Atlantic has anomalously cooled over the past several months, and the chances of a moderate to strong El Nino event this summer and fall appear to be quite high," he said.
Your "warmist" friends won't read the article, nor will they let you bring it up. The warmists have declared that the discussion is over. The truth is out there. LOL.

Likewise, the ObamaCare discussion is over. Two million enrolled; one million will pay their first month's premium and the tax bill will be called a success. LOL. The number went from 40 million uninsured, to 30 million uninsured, to 9 million enrolled, to 7 million enrolled, to 4 million enrolled, to 2 million enrolled, to 1 million who will actually pay their first month's premium.