
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Million-Plus EURS Far Exceeding Those In The Bakken For Fidelity (MDU) Could Be A Game Changer

Two readers sent me the link to this story on the Paradox Basin, in the Moab, in the desert, in Utah, but I hesitated to post it -- too much information; perhaps folks not interested, but then I saw that I had the basin linked at the sidebar at the right and had posted on it before. The linked article talks about environmental and political problems Fidelity (MDU) is having and will have in the Moab. [Part 2 of the 2-part series.] Nothing surprising: wherever oil is found, all of a sudden the area is "extraordinary." NIMBY.

What interested me is what I wrote about the Paradox Basin almost a year and a half ago.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site. Do not make any investment decisions based on what you read here or what you think you may have read here.

Back on November 4, 2012, I posted on this very blog, in this very spot:
But then this: the Paradox Basin could be a game changer for MDU. From the transcript:
Now moving on to the Paradox basin, to put that simply, the Paradox basin is a potential game changer for us. As we mentioned before, we kick things off in this play with a great well that was a Cane Creek unit number 26-2H well. Then our next two wells were completed open hole and did not turn out so well, so we’ve returned to [cast] hole completions. We recently put the Cane Creek unit 12-1H well on production and it has been consistently producing approximately 1,500 barrels of oil a day over the past three weeks. It has a flowing pressure above 2,800 PSI. We have 50 to 75 future locations with gross EURs estimated up to 1 million barrels and perhaps beyond.
For newbies: in the Bakken, EURs are in the 500K - 700K range; in the sweet spots, EURs up to 900,000 are being estimated. Rarely folks talk about 1 million bbl-EURs in the best Bakken.