
Friday, April 25, 2014

Less Than 1,000 Days -- Almost


April 26, 2014: I pulled the original post for awhile; it was politically insensitive and I stepped on the toes of a few folks, so I took it offline. Some folks wrote to tell me that their feelings were hurt, so I took the post off-ine. I had not planned to re-post it but when I was sent this story, it made the decision to flip-flop too easy. LOL. 

When you see the craziness of that linked article published in a serious publication such as the SanLuisObispoTribune, it almost makes anything I write pale in comparison. Remember: this is a blog. The San Luis Obispo Tribune has a bit more legitimacy, I would think. The SLOT is reporting:
In an effort to defuse concerns about potentially explosive crude oil shipments, Phillips 66 officials said this week that they would not accept any light crude oil from the Bakken region as part of a proposed rail project at the Nipomo Mesa refinery.
In a past interview, company officials said rail shipments to the refinery might include a small amount of oil from the Bakken field in North Dakota or Canada — a plan that raised alarm, as there’s concern that Bakken oil might be more volatile than other crudes.
It's gonna be a long 999 days.

[The linked story is this is a great lesson for the oil industry. The article notes that even after COP said they would not bring Bakken oil to the refinery, the activists moved the goal posts, and said they didn't want any CBR coming to the refinery. COP's first error was thinking they could have a meaningful discussion with crazy people. The second was caving in.]


Read more here: 
Original Post

The countdown clock at the sidebar at the right is finally under 1,001 days. By this time tomorrow, we will be under 1,000 days.

This is huge. It's the "lead story" at the Drudge Report. It seemed to take forever to get to 1,000 days but I assume like any long, cross-country trip, the last 999 days will seem to go even more slowly.

Disclaimer: this is not a political blog. Do not make any political decisions based on what you read here or what you think you may have read here. Do not "register" or "not register" to vote based on what you read here or what you think you may have read here.


  1. Wahoo - except I dread that Hillary will have an easy win, unless the Repubs have a better plan than Jeb Bush.

    1. At this point (almost) anyone would be an improvement.

  2. Bruce, have you considered the fact that at the end of the 1,000 days he might not step down. don

    1. I suppose technically I would be correct: he would take on a new title, other than "President of the US," but you are correct, if he does not step down, he would still be in charge. I imagine if Joe Biden is elected, there could be a national outpouring to keep Mr Obama in as president.


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