
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Huge Kudos To NDIC

I  have nothing but positive things to say about the NDIC. I follow the Bakken somewhat closely, and follow oil activity in other states very rarely. Part of the reason I follow other states is that their state oil and gas websites are somewhat difficult to use. Part of the problem, of course, is that I don't go to their sites often enough to figure them out.

Be that as it may ... it is what is ... I am very impressed with the NDIC. I would argue their biggest strength is getting out in front of the public, keeping NoDaks informed of what is going on. In the big scheme of things, events have pretty much turned out as predicted. Perhaps one exception: the Tyler did not play out as quickly as some might have been led to believe. Of course, that was countered by the lower benches of the Three Forks, which, I think, was a surprise to most.

Specifically, I am impressed with the NDIC website. Everything one needs from the NDIC is pretty much free. But mineral owners, can get even more information, Basic Services, for $50/year. I think Premium Services, which very few actually need, is only $175/year.

Besides the nominal cost of $50/year, the NDIC folks make it very, very easy to subscribe. This is my second year renewing (into my third year using) and I am truly amazed how easy they made the process. I think I was notified two different ways, including via e-mail, that my renewal was due within 30 days. The form and check were completed and have been sent.

In the past two years, I don't think the site has ever been down when I went to access it except for the occasional moments when the GIS map server was being updated. I think I can count on one had the times when the daily activity reports failed to be posted (usually on a Friday afternoon).

A huge "thank you" to the folks at the NDIC.

You almost wonder how they made the transition so seamlessly: ten years ago, they were probably processing a permit or two every couple of days. Now, they are averaging 200 permits/month? With a lot more scrutiny. I assume the NDIC now has about 574 outside bosses.

I've Told Every Little Star, Mulholland Drive