
Monday, April 14, 2014

Active Rigs Down To 189; Spring Road Restrictions In Effect?

Active rigs:

Active Rigs189186206174107

Spring road restrictions in effect?

RBN Energy: a continuation of series on the crude oil storage along Texas coast. Two words: maxed out.

The Wall Street Journal

Ukraine heats up.

Taxes: the jump in federal tax rates that kicked in last year is causing sticker shock for many higher earners this tax season. I think that's what Warren Buffett wanted; higher tax rates for the rich.

Two Libyan oil facilities set to reopen.

"Odd-hour" workers face loss of employer health plans under ObamaCare. And so it goes.

'Captain America'wins another box office weekend; $40 million ins its second weekend, edging out newcomer 'Rio 2.'

The Los Angeles Times

Suspects in killings of four (4) women in Orange County were sex offenders; they were on probation and required to wear GPS devices. Why does this not surprise me?

For the working poor, new health premiums can be a burden.

A nice Masters finish yesterday.

The Dickinson Press

Continental Resources pipeline leaks 560 bbls of crude oil near Medora.


A record number of Californians -- 60% -- say they pay too much in taxes. They are correct. Whenever I visit California I ask myself what Californians get in return for their high taxes, compared to those in Texas.