
Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Little Something For Dickinson

The Dickinson Press is reporting:
A Singapore-based investment company has set its sights on Dickinson for its next project, a high-end, 280-acre residential and retail development slated for construction in 2015.
Barons Group of Companies released conceptual plans earlier this week for Barons Vista, billed as a “retail garden mall and community lifestyle development” on the south side of Interstate 94 Exit 59. It would be situated between the Dickinson Hills Shopping Center and West Ridge developments.
The ambitious design includes up to 700 housing units, an indoor mall, hotel, amphitheatre, a family friendly park and a 15-story tower to act as a “lighthouse to travelers arriving in Dickinson,” which, once completed, would be tallest building in North Dakota.
The only thing missing would be putting the Obama Presidential Library here. 

I particularly like the "family friendly park" as opposed to a "family unfriendly park."

It will be interesting to see if the city approves the concept. LOL. A "lighthouse" beaconing and beaconing" Americans to visit the Bakken is exactly what the city needs. LOL.

Be sure to visit the link to see the artist's drawing of the proposed "lighthouse."

I'm not sure what tag to use to track this story. Staggering?

Later in the story:
He said the company might continue building around the area, with talks of a hotel-adjacent restaurant and convenience store.
I'm thinking maybe in Grassy Butte, north of Belfield.

Afternoon Tea

Lemon poppy bread and honey from the Grapevine (Texas) Farmers' Market. Rose tea -- one of the best teas I've ever had -- from the Grapevine Tea and Spice Exchange on Main Street. The chocolate cake? Olivia won it at "playing" the "Cake Walk" at their school's "Spring Fling" last night.


  1. Due to some editing just as this comment arrived, this comment was inadvertently deleted by "blogger." I am re-posting it. It came from "anonymous"; not from me.

    This development is probably more likely to happen than the $300 million development in Dickinson. The fact that a Williston businessman is actually developing the North Star Center makes it more realistic to be completed. The $300 million dollar project in Dickinson that will include the tallest building in ND (height wise) by a Singapore investment company? Probably not likely.

  2. Due to some editing just as this comment arrived, this comment was inadvertently deleted by "blogger." I am re-posting it. It came from "anonymous"; not from me:

    It would be great if it actually happened. But, remember the 30 story pyramid that the investors from Georgia were going to build in Williston. It too had an indoor parking ramp and shopping mall at the base of the pyramid and housing all the way up.

    If this development in Dickinson costs $300 million, that is the same amount being spent on doubling the size of Mall of America. You need to have a return on a $300 million dollar investment. Not sure it would be viable considering the population of Dickinson. Even the projected 40,000 could not give an investor a return of $300 million dollar return? But it will be interesting to see what happens.

    1. I agree 100%.

      This link takes you to the story about the Mal of America expansion:

      The entire expansion is estimated to cost $2.5 billion. Phase 1, 150,000 square feet, is estimated to cost up to $300 million.

  3. Now, this is a tad scary... from their website... Such a deal as I have for you.....

    "..., a 21% GUARANTEED return for the first 18 months..."

    1. Yes, the whole thing smells....something tells me this story will fade away...never to be heard of least as rendered by the artist and proposed for $300 million...

  4. Flip Wison used to say "The devil made me do it", but not our man Danny:


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