
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Random Update On The MRO Wells Targeting The Tyler, Southwest North Dakota

An astute reader noted this in yesterday's daily activity report.
From daily activity report, 2-3-14:
  • 26223, conf/plugged or producing,  MRO, Rundle Trust 11-29TFH, 29-136-99 Slope Co.
Your thoughts on this? I know in the Bakken this usually means producing.
Since this a Tyler horizontal I wonder if it means it's producing? It seems this would be a pretty quick timeframe to plug it, but it would also also be pretty quick to have it fracked.
If this well is a good one, the Tyler could be "the story of the year."
I agree (as for story of the year). But whether it's producing or plugged? I don't know. You are correct; 9 out of 10 "plugged or producing" Bakken wells are producing.

Wow, I could go either way, but it's where the Tyler should be, so I will put a hamburger bet on this one that the well is producing. Good luck. [E-mail from another reader awhile back who seemed to have pretty good sources, suggested that MRO had difficulty drilling the first two wells; it may not be a good ending. Hoping otherwise.]

For newbies, I am tracking these MRO Tyler wells here.


Later, in response to the above, a reader sent in the following comment. He did not say whether he wanted the comment posted or not (which included his name) but just in case, I will post his comments up here (and it will also be googable-searchable:
Based on my experience and following of their first Lodgepole well they take the time to study the formation as is. In other words they waited about a year before they put a frack job on the Darwin well we discussed earlier in the year. They take their name seriously "marathon" and they tend to keep a pace. It would not surprise me if there is oil that they have left it as a flow only proposition to learn about the properties of the reservoir. Anyways that is my two cents on this situation. If there is oil one will suspect an uptick of leasing in that area and we may see it early in the North Dakota land leasing for next quarter. Wish I had a few grand lying around ; ).
Don't we all (wish we had a few grand lying around). Smile. Thank you for taking time to write.

By the way, there were some dry Bakken wells when they first started drilling the Bakken, and a lot of uneconomical Bakken wells until operators "cracked" the code. But even more so, in the other formations, from 1951 when they hit the first productive well in North Dakota, operators had a lot of dry holes. But they learn from all of them. "We" have become spoiled with the Bakken, where there are "no" dry holes. So, we'll see.

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