
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Twenty-Two Wells Come Off Confidential List; 12 Wells Go To DRL Status; 7 "High IP" Wells; Baytex With 2 Nice Wells; MRO With A Nice Well; And A Partridge In A Pear Tree

Monday, January 6, 2014:
  • 24215, 2,448, Oasis, Wolf 9-4H, Foreman Butte, t10/13; cum 26K 11/13;
  • 24836, drl, CLR, Bice Federal 4-32H1,  Chimney Butte, producing,
  • 24985, drl, Statoil, Jack Cvancara 19-18 7TFH, Alger, no production data,
  • 25000, drl, SM Energy, Annie 12X-18HB, Poe, a nice well,
  • 25427, drl, Hess, EN-Nelson 155-94-3328H-4, Alkali Creek, no production data,
  • 25482, 2,154, MRO, Webber 21-25H, Bailey, t10/13; cum 32K 11/13;
  • 25631, drl, Samson Resources, Bel Air 2313-3H, Ambrose, no production data,
  • 25664, drl, Mountain Divide, Heckman 7-6-1H, Fortuna, producing, 
  • 25767, drl, CLR, Pierre 5-21H, Dollar Joe, producing,
Sunday, January 5, 2014:
  • 24532, 2,838, Petro-Hunt, Clear Creek 152-96-34A-3H, Clear Creek, t9/13; cum 47K 11/13;
  • 25348, 1,151, MRO, Hadden 31-27TFH, Killdeer, t11/13; cum 3K 11/13;
  • 25753, drl, Statoil, Margaret 5-8 3TFH-R, Spring Creek, no production data,
  • 25774, 2,923, BR, Aiden 31-13MBH, Haystack Butte, t9/13; cum 31K 11/13;
  • 25812, 2,923, Slawson, Jugard (Federal) 6-26-35TFH, Big Bend, t9/13; cum 32K 11/13;
Saturday, January 4, 2014:
  • 24776, 536, Baytex, Sandvol 27-34-162-98H 3XQ, Whiteaker, t7/13; cum 49K 11/13;
  • 25003, 315, Baytex, Sandvol 22-15-162-98H 3PA, Blooming Prairie, t7/13; cum 42K 11/13;
  • 25183, drl, Slawson, River Rat Federal 3-23-14H,  Four Bears, no production data,
  • 25569, 2,642, QEP, Dodge 2-6-7TH, Grail, t11/13; cum 15K 11/13;
  • 25573, 2,612, Statoil, Alger State 16-21 7H, Alger, t10/13; cum 6K 11/13;
  • 25630, drl, Samson Resources, Bel Air 2314-2H, Ambrose, no production data,
  • 25720, drl, XTO, Strommen 44X-7H, Killdeer, producing,
  • 25768, drl, CLR, Pierre 4-21H1, Dollar Joe, producing,

24532, see above, Petro-Hunt, Clear Creek 152-96-34A-3H, Clear Creek, a very nice well:

DateOil RunsMCF Sold

25774, see above, BR, Aiden 31-13MBH, Haystack Butte, a nice well, 

DateOil RunsMCF Sold

We hiked up to the Hollywood sign over the weekend. A very nice little hike; it was much, much easier than I expected. 

A Note to the Granddaughters
Global Warming 2013 - 2014

I can't imagine anyone taking anthropogenic global warming seriously after tomorrow. These are the headlines, beginning with Chicago teachers union demanding that Chicago schools be closed due to frigid weather that is life-threatening. There are reports that this will be a historic freeze with windchills forecast to be 70 degrees below zero, colder than Mars. A team researching global warming had to be rescued out of the Antarctic when their ship was stranded/iced-in; and the ice-breakers (ships) from China sent to rescue them were likewise stranded/iced-in. Finally, I guess the US Coast Guard was sent in. I don't know where this stands any more: if they are rescued, who rescued them, but machts nicht. The point is made. (On top of all this, the whole expedition appears to have been something one might have seen on "amateur hour.")

Canada is so cold that residents are experiencing loud booms cause by "frost quakes," someting I had never heard of until tonight. JFK airport was closed after a plane comes off the runway -- black ice?

Lake Michigan in Illinois has frozen over. With regard to Lake Michigan, back in 2002, a viewer asked a Chicago television meteorologist how often Lake Michigan freezes over. This was the meteorologist's reply:
According to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab at Ann Arbor, Mich., Lake Michigan has never completely frozen over, a result of the vast reservoir of heat contained in the lake, along with the constant wind and wave action. In some of our harshest winters, (1903-04, 1976-77 and most recently 1978-79) Lake Michigan was more than 90 percent ice-covered.
In an average winter, ice covers a little less than half the lake. Because the lake extends more than 300 miles from north to south, most of the open water is in the south part where the cold is less severe.
Lake Erie, the shallowest of the Great Lakes, is the only one that freezes over with any regularity in severe winters.
Experts have said the weather will be the coldest experienced in three generations. The (London) Daily Mail has this headline: nights in North Dakota will be nearly -30 degrees Fahrenheit.

I honestly do not remember such incredible headlines in my entire life. I remember my dad talking about severe winters in South Dakota back in the 30's. The coldest temperature ever recorded in North Dakota: -60 F, Parshall, North Dakota; the coldest temperature ever recorded in South Dakota: -58, McIntosh, South Dakota. 

The governor of Minnesota directed all his state schools be closed Monday due to frigid weather; the North Dakota governor told local superintendents to make the call: it appears that most schools in North Dakota will be closed tomorrow. This is the first time in history, that I am aware of, that schools have been closed in Williston due to cold. It is forecast to be about 30 degrees below zero tomorrow in Williston. Folks are saying, across the nation, that this is the coldest it has been in 20 years. I assume some of the comments above are incorrect, and I suppose there is some hyperbole, but the gist of the story is accurate. At the other end of the spectrum, MSNBC says this is all hyperbole, that tea party folks are trolling for cold weather/snow weather news. I can't make this stuff up. It appears that the 2010's will be one of the snowiest decades, if not the snowiest decade, on record on the East Coast. In the early part of the decade warmists were concerned that Patrick Kennedy's children or grandchildren or great-children or someone's grandchildren would never see snow again.

If any president had been awarded a Nobel prize for predicting global warming ten years ago, that president would now be the butt of late night television comics. Thank goodness no president made such a prediction. LOL.

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