
Friday, November 8, 2013

A String Of Murex Wells In The Far Northwest Corner Of North Dakota

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted a stand-alone note about Murex. A reader (or readers, based on their avatar) noted a string of wells in Divide County, T162N-R101W:

That string of wells along the section line: all Murex wells. Some will go south into Writing Rock; others will go north into Fortuna.
  • 25933, 163, Murex, Lexie Kay 31-30H, wildcat, producing, 4K in first "short" month; sections 31/30, Fortuna oil field, targeting the Three Forks; t9/13; cum 43K 9/14;
  • 25716, 112, Murex, Marcelo Manuel 32-29H, Fortuna, producing, wildcat, "Bakken," 8K first "full" month; t8/13; cum 54K 9/14;
  • 26478, 243, Murex, Robert Stephen 5-8H, Three Forks B1, sections 8/5; Writing Rock; t6/14; cum 25K 9/14;
  • 25935, 201, Murex, Camille Helen 33-28H, wildcat, will run into Fortuna; sections 33/28; Three Forks; t2/14; cum 15K 9/14;
  • 24485, 511, Murex, Lori Ann 4-9H, Writing Rock, 37 stages; 3.1 million lbs; t3/13; cum 57K 9/14;
  • 26196, drl, Murex, Diane Renee 3-10H, Writing Rock, Three Forks First; sections 3/10;
  • 25713, A, Murex, Deanna Marie 34-27H, Fortuna, "Bakken," sections 34/27; no IP, cum 53K 9/14;
  • 25714, 137, Murex, Holice 2-11H, Writing Rock, Three Forks, seven miles south of Fortuna, North Dakota, reached TD in 16 days; t11/13; cum 41K 9/14;
  • 25875, 108, Murex, Haley Marie 1-12H, wildcat, sections 12/1; "Bakken," t4/14; cum 22K 9/14;
Efficiency of drilling? Look at #25714:
  • first rig: drilled to depth of 1,444 feet
  • second rig: to vertical depth using one bit/one motor and taking only one run; a second bit completed the curve
  • second rig: the lateral was started at 5:40 p.m. Friday and completed at 8:37 a.m. the next Wednesday, requiring only one bit/one motor/one run (sort of like baseball: one run, one hit, no errors, huh?); so they drilled almost two miles laterally in less than five (5) full days.
For newbies:
  • I have no formal training in what I am blogging about (the oil and gas industry); see my "welcome/disclaimer"; this is simply idle chatter based on what I think is going on and how I see it; I could be way wrong, and I make a lot of typographical errors, which I eventually notice and correct, but not always; I'm sure the roughnecks laugh at what I post. Whatever. 
  • I consider Murex one of the better operators in North Dakota
  • I consider the far northwest North Dakota where the Three Forks extends from the Bakken (similar to the extension of the Three Forks elsewhere in the Bakken)
  • I would expect the Three Forks wells in Divide County to be better than the middle Bakken wells
  • to the best of my knowledge, and I'm almost 100% sure on this, the Three Forks wells in Divide County, and the Murex ones above, are all Upper Three Forks wells; I am not aware of anyone testing the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th benches of the Three Forks yet in Divide County (but I could be wrong, which is not uncommon for me -- smile)
  • in the shorthand notes above, I put "Bakken" in quotes; the operator stated these are "Bakken" wells but occasionally the operator means "Bakken Pool" which includes the middle Bakken and the Three Forks formations; I assume in this case, Murex means middle Bakken, but just in case, the quotes
  • the efficiency of drilling in #25714 noted above must have been a beautiful piece of work; huge kudos to the roughnecks; it also suggests Murex knows the geology well in this area
  • I was impressed with how much material was available in the files despite the wells being in confidential status and/or still in "loc" status ["loc" means a permit has been issued by NDIC but the well is not yet on confidential status]
  • "ros" means "rig on site" -- and, of course, that will only be for a couple of weeks if all goes well
  • if you double-click on the graphic, it will open in another window allowing one to zoom in 
Disclaimer: there may be errors in the case numbers, and information; I did not double-check the well files, etc.


  1. Nice article. Especially about #25714 Holice 2-11H. Wife has mineral rights in sections 11 & 14. Thanks for the update.

    1. You are very welcome. Good luck on all your wells.

  2. Bruce,

    I don't think my first comment went through. If it did, please ignore. I have mineral interest in the Lori Ann 4-9H. Do you have an update on it, and these string of Murex wells?


    1. Updated quickly (see above) on November 6, 2014; there could be typographical errors. If something looks like it might be incorrect, let me know and I will recheck.


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