
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Morning News, Views, And Links -- Part IV

The Coyote blog gets it right. Again. Great blog. It's one of three blogs I link at the sidebar at the right. 

Another billion-dollar wheat crop in Montana. The Billings Gazette is reporting:
Montana appears headed for another billion-dollar wheat crop, though wet weather has dramatically slowed spring harvest in the northern counties.
A billion dollars is the high-water mark for wheat values, achieved only six times in state history, but five times since 2007 as commodities prices have surged. Agriculture is the state’s single largest economic sector, representing about 13 percent of Montana economic activity. One in five Montana jobs is tied to agriculture.
I've often said the best year for music was 1969 (warming: going to that link will slow down your computer). From that year:

Apache, The Shadows

Wow! The Dickinson Press just couldn't bring itself to print the headline -- a Democratic senator supports the Keystone XL. And Ms Heitkamp supports it emphatically and without qualification good for her. But The Dickinson Press headline: Ms Heitkamp visits Canada. Wow, give me a break.
Following a three-day visit this week to the Alberta, Canada, oil sands, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., said it’s more important than ever to gain final approval for the Keystone XL pipeline.

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