
Friday, August 16, 2013

Back on the net ...

....  read this story to get a better understanding why employers will move employees to part-time and seasonal under O'BamaCare.

As long as I'm off-topic and getting ready for a long session of blogging on the Bakken, note that Atlanta, Georgia, often known as "Hot-lanta," set a new record yesterday:
Atlanta's high temperature on Thursday was only 73 degrees which is the coolest high temperature on record for August 15.
The previous record was a high of only 77 degrees from 1908.
Again, this was not a "coldest record" in a decade of 100 years, but the coldest August 15th on record, for Atlanta. Just saying.

The Christian Science Monitor also noted the same thing: cold in Atlanta, and wondering why. The jet stream.

Continuing the digression, I often say that under President O'Bama the gap between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' continues to widen. Wal-Mart statistics seem to support this contention. Yahoo!News is reporting:
You're seeing a bit of a split economy where that lower income consumer has been under a lot of pressure but the higher end is doing OK," said Joe Feldman, a senior research director at the Telsey Advisory Group. "You're seeing borrowing is increasing actually for auto loans, for house loans. There is capacity to spend, but it's the high end that's getting that lending to spend. It's really the lower end where you're seeing a lot of pressure." 
Cher said it best:
“I've been been rich, I've been poor. Rich is better. I've been young, I've been old. Young is better.”

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