
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Here We Go...Timing Is Incredible...In Fact, We Do Pick Sides


August 21, 2013: the dots are starting to connect -- blood is thicker than water.  If the link breaks, search Obama brother Muslim Brotherhood. If true, this could make a very, very interesting book. The tale of two brothers who separate, seek fame and fortune, succeed beyond their wildest dreams, and converge in late life.

But the story appears to be even bigger and messier:
WND reported in May that funds contributed in the U.S. to a 501(c)3 foundation run by Malik Obama have been diverted to support Malik’s multiple wives in Kenya, an expert on Islamic extremism has charged.
Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS tax-exempt division currently under congressional investigation, signed the letter approving tax-exempt status for the Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation.

Lerner, currently on paid executive leave from her IRS supervisory position, took the Fifth Amendment before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on May 22 rather than answer questions on inappropriate criteria used by her IRS department to delay or otherwise deny tax-exempt status for tea party and “patriot” groups.
Talk about the dots starting to connect.
Original Post

A few minutes ago I pretty much completed my updates for the morning, at which time I posted this:
I predict that Obama will decide to withhold military aid to Egypt (he supports the Muslim Brotherhood as a community organizer) and Saudi will step in to fill the void.
Following that, I went to Drudge for the first time today, only to see this Fox News article:
Adding to the confusion over its Egypt policy, the Obama administration reportedly has decided to suspend aid to the military-backed government on a temporary basis -- despite avoiding taking a public position on the matter. 
The Daily Beast reports that, according to a U.S. senator and unnamed administration officials, the administration has temporarily suspended most of the $1.3 billion in military aid, as well as the delivery of weapons and economic aid amid a review of the financial support. 
The administration is openly disputing the report. But, if true, the move would be a step beyond what the administration acknowledges publicly. To date, officials have said that aid is merely under review, and that they would not make a determination on whether the ouster of ex-President Mohammed Morsi qualifies as a coup -- because such a finding would, under U.S. law, require the administration to cut off aid. 
Absolutely predictable:
  • President O'bama is an unabashed community organizer
  • deposed Egyptian Morsi is one of the world's best community organizers
This is not rocket science.

It is very, very clear who President O'Bama supports. As long as the Muslim Brotherhood was in power, the official White House line was "we do not choose sides" when asked if US aid would continue to flow to Egypt.

But when the tide changes, when the Muslim Brotherhood is losing, the White House clearly picks sides.

So,  how much money are we talking here? From Swampland:
Since President Obama scrapped the U.S. military’s role in September’s Bright Star joint training exercise with the Egyptian military last Thursday because of the government’s killing of close to 1,000 protesters, attention has shifted to his refusal to cut off the $1.3 billion in military aid Washington gives to Cairo each year.
We’re not talking pocket change here. A June congressional assessment suggested that “U.S. military aid covers as much as 80% of the Defense Ministry’s weapons procurement costs.”
Sure, $1.3 billion is 80% of Egypt's military procurement costs, but that's just procurement, and Saudi can easily -- easily -- make up the $1.3 billion shortfall. It sounds like Europe has come to its sense and will support the Egyptian military but won't provide direct financial aid because, for the moment, it's not politically correct.

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