
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Global Warming -- Saturday Morning's Recap; No Hurricanes In The Month Of August; The First Time In 11 Years; Accumulated Cyclone Power 30% Of "Normal"

This is a cut and paste from an earlier post this morning. This is just about global warming, nothing else.

Deniers of the coming ice age should skip this, but I thought it too important to languish as part of an earlier post that some folks might miss.

So, if you have read everything I've posted so far this morning, this is a repeat. My editor recommended I do this. I don't like doing this, repeating stuff, but I have a pretty good editor. So:

Global Warming

First, and this is the best: there were no hurricanes in the month of August. Bloomberg is reporting:
August is about to end without an Atlantic hurricane for the first time since 2002, calling into question predictions of a more active storm season than normal.
Six tropical systems have formed in the Atlantic since the season began June 1 and none of them has grown to hurricane strength with winds of at least 74 miles (120 kilometers) per hour. Accumulated cyclone energy in the Atlantic, a measure of tropical power, is about 30 percent of where it normally would be, said Phil Klotzbach, lead author of Colorado State University’s seasonal hurricane forecasts.
“At this point, I doubt that a super-active hurricane season will happen,” Klotzbach said in an e-mail yesterday.
Environmentalists seem to be in a panic. Bloomberg is also reporting:
U.S. and European Union envoys are seeking more clarity from the United Nations on a slowdown in global warming that climate skeptics have cited as a reason not to “panic” about environmental changes, leaked documents show.
They’re requesting that more details on the so-called “hiatus” be included in a key document set to be debated at a UN conference next month that will summarize the latest scientific conclusions on climate change.
 And this:
The summary document notes that the rate of warming over the past 15 years “is smaller than the trend since 1951,” citing a rate of about 0.05 degrees Celsius per decade in the years 1998 through 2012. The rate was about 0.12 degrees per decade from 1951 through 2012.
From The Guardian
Cooling waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean appear to be a major factor in dampening global warming in recent years, scientists said on Wednesday.
Their work is a big step forward in helping to solve the greatest puzzle of current climate change research – why global average surface temperatures, while still on an upward trend, have risen more slowly in the past 10 to fifteen years than previously.
Waters in the eastern tropical regions of the Pacific have been notably cooler in recent years, owing to the effects of one of the world's biggest ocean circulatory systems, the Pacific decadal oscillation.
And so it goes. Finally, some discussion in the mainstream media about "the pause." Seventeen years now. 

Alabama: one of the coolest summers on record in 131 years.

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