
Monday, July 22, 2013

We've Always Known Global Warming Would "Pause" -- Senior Climatologists


August 9, 2013: Denmark's "green newspaper" states that there has been a pause of 15 years in global warming and we are likely to be heading into a "little ice age."  [I don't like the "shouting" at the link but the story is too good to ignore.]

Original Post

I cannot make this stuff up. From The Independent:
Senior climate scientists said that they had always expected periods when the rate of increase in temperatures would level off for a few years and emphasised that the last decade was still warmer than any previous decade, with 12 of the 14 hottest years on record occurring since 2000.
Elsewhere it's been well documented that global warming stopped 15 years ago, and the scientists agree:
“Some people call it a slow-down, some call it a hiatus, some people call it a pause. The global average surface temperature has not increased substantially over the last 10 to 15 years,” Professor Sutton said.
It's no longer science. It's  dumb-agoguery.  "We've always knew the earth's warming would pause...we just didn't want to talk about it....and we still don't know why...but it's probably due to the deep ocean ...." -- senior climatologists.

So, why the pause?
A scientific assessment of the planet’s heat balance has found that the most likely explanation for the recent hiatus in global warming is the continual absorption of thermal energy by the huge “heat sink” of the deep ocean many hundreds of metres below the sea surface, according to scientists from the Met Office.
I guess the "huge heat sink of the deep ocean many hundreds of metres below the sea surface" was not doing its job 15 years earlier when Algore was typing his Nobel-prize-winning PowerPoint Presentation.

That's the problem with all this: fifteen years ago the earth stopped warming and folks attribute it to the ocean's heat sink; so what changed? The ocean has always been there.

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