
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tweeted/Facebook: Senator Hoeven, ND, Says The State And Federal Government Are Looking At How To Streamline Permitting Across BLM In The State

Link here will take you to a big photo and a small caption at Facebook. But those are the tea leaves.

This link will take you to The Williston Herald where it is being reported:
Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) called a meeting of the Bakken Federal Executives Group a step forward in streamlining federal permits. 
The meeting of the group was a direct result of Hoeven’s conversation with President Barack Obama, which the senator said was mainly a meeting to push the president on the Keystone XL pipeline.
After pressing Obama on the pipeline and permitting, he was contacted by Heather Zichal, an energy assistant to the president about improving the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) permitting for the Bakken and North Dakota.
“We need to get permitting approval faster,” Hoeven said in a phone conversation with the Williston Herald. “Regulation and red tape is holding up the economy. There’s too much regulation across the board.”

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