
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Apple News: Los Angeles Unified School District -- $30 Million For iPads -- 47 Campuses

The LA Times is reporting:
Apple Inc. won a $30-million contract Tuesday from the Los Angeles Unified School District, paving the way for the company to provide every student with an iPad in the nation's second-largest school system.

On the tablets, the board voted 6 to 0 to authorize the purchase of the devices after senior staff lauded the iPad option as both the best in quality and the least expensive product that met the district's specifications.


  1. I normally try to get in to your site from a google search, I think you have been hacked. You get a pop up with a list of sales stuff. HOpe it is easy to fix.

    1. Technically, it is not a hack, and I'm not even sure it was done with malice. At first I thought it was, but perhaps not.

      It's a long story; someone registered "" -- the same one I had been using. So, I changed my URL to:

      It's been a pain to "fix" and a lot of internal links will be broken. I will gradually fix the internal links but fortunately the body of the blog is accessible again.


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