
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Two Corrections

Some of you may have seen this headline/article. CNBC is reporting.

Here's the headline: "Cheaper power bills? You may have natgas to thank."

A key paragraph:
"With natural gas prices coming down so much it's a viable solution," Henschel said in an interview. "For base generation [times of the day when power is at an ebb], coal was historically a more affordable solution. Now with natgas so affordable, you can run combined cycle base load generation plants burning natural gas."
Here are the two corrections. CNBC will thank me later, I'm sure. 

First correction:
"With natural gas prices coming down so much it's a viable solution," Henschel said in an interview. "For base generation [times of the day when power is at an ebb], coal was historically a more affordable solution. Now with natgas so affordable, you can run combined cycle base load generation plants burning natural gas Americans can now afford to install super-expensive, government-subsidized wind and solar alternatives, and folks won't even notice." 
Second correction: the headline:
"Cheaper power bills? You may have natgas fracking to thank."

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