
Sunday, March 24, 2013

$500 Million For The Palestinians Released This Weekend; $500 Million Would Pay for 140 Years of White House Tours; 3% Interest on $500 Million Would Pay for 4 Years of Tours

[I'm heading for bed; no more posting until tomorrow. Normally I leave a Bakken story as the "last" post, but the president canceling White House tours really, really bothers me. If you think you've seen this story before, you have. I posted it earlier, but in case folks missed it, I'm posting it again. I seldom re-post anything. That gives you an idea how upset I am with the cancellation of White House tours.]

Today we learn Mr Obama, following his trip to Israel, gave another $500 million to the Palestinians.  That equates to 50,000 days of White House tours. Divide those 50,000 days by 360 days (I assume even fewer days than that are actually open due to official events, Lincoln bedroom commitments, etc), but 50,000 / 365 = 140 years of White House tours.

Actually more because until the 2nd through 140th year-money would be needed, it could be invested in GE stock, paying 3.3% dividend, and potential for share appreciation over those 140 years.  [3.3% of $500 million = $16 million = 1,650 White House tours = almost 5 years of White House tours.]

I assume most of the $500 million will end up in Cyprus banks.

Also, putting the cost of White House tours in perspective: White House tours canceled because it costs $11,000/day for uniformed security.
“We’ve learned that the White House employs three calligraphers, who cumulatively earn $277,000 a year,” reported Strassel. “The Environmental Protection Agency gave $141,000 to fund a Chinese study on swine manure. Part of a $325,000 National Science Foundation outlay went to building a robotic squirrel.”
When will this craziness end?

"Make the sequester as painful as possible." -- President Obama.

Meanwhile, the cost to fly vice-president Biden one-way to his home in Delaware each weekend costs about $10,000, the cost for one day of White House tours. Eliminating a vice-presidential round trip to Delaware each weekend would pay for two days of White House tours.