
Sunday, February 24, 2013

New Poll: Which Operator Has The "Big" Well Northwest of Watford City?

Time for a new poll, but first the results of the current poll (it is now closed):

With less than 35 laps to go, how many felt that Danica would finish the  race?
  • Yes, would finish: 42%
  • No, would not finish: 58%
Now, for the new poll.

Back on February 19, 2013, we learned that there may be a very, very exciting well about ready to report; it could be the second biggest well in North Dakota history.

The well is still confidential so most of us don't know which well that NDIC is watching with huge interest, but they say the well is northwest of Watford City. I listed the possible wells northwest of Watford City, but could not come to a real conclusion / guess which well it might be. Even guessing which operator was involved was impossible (at least for me).

So, time for a poll. Which operator do you think has the "big" well northwest of Watford City? Newfield, Slawson, or SM Energy? Other?

If you have "inside" information, or are privy to "confidential" information, you should not vote and should not comment. The well is still confidential according to the NDIC.


Thank goodness for the Daytona 500 earlier today, but I'm already having withdrawal:

Sunday Night NFL Theme, Faith Hill

What a great country.


  1. Since they haven't talked about it, Slawson.

    Anon 1

    1. It's always possible there's another operator that I missed, but I could only find those three operators with wells on confidential status in the immediate area northwest of Minot.

      Of the three, only two are publicly held, and one would expect that they would be eager to share the "news" with their investors (and potential investors).

      The third, Slawson, is not publicly traded.

      Of the three fields, I like to think it will be in Siverston oil field, and Slawson's wells northwest of Watford are in North Tobacco Garden.

      But, to say the least, I am very, very curious. I hope we're not disappointed.

    2. That was my guess, also, although my "guesses" keep changing. I really don't know.

      Having said that, one individual was nice enough to suggest that I might not have expanded the area far enough out -- a reader suggested going as far out as the Poe oil field which is northwest of Watford City, but quite a bit more so.

      But if one includes the Poe oil field, it expands the possible operators to include BEXP and KOG. If given those two, it's hard not to go with BEXP or KOG.

      So, I think my poll might have been unfair; I wasn't trying to mislead folks. I simply may not have included wells/operators far enough out.

      [Just for the record, someone was nice enough to send me a very specific comment suggesting I might want to expand the area under consideration -- going farther northwest, but it sounded like it might have had more information than should be posted at this time -- confidentiality issues, for example -- so I did not post it.]


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