
Saturday, January 19, 2013

NYT Story On the Bakken (Too Many Men, Not Enough Women) Vs AP News: All Hostages Dead in Algerian Natural Gas Complex

At least the NY Times continues to do what it does best.

We now know why the NY Times reporter was in Williston, and not in Algeria. Safer. Nicer weather. Easier to fly into.



    Snap snap.

    In some places the event would not cause a long story. The length is a good sign.

    anon 1

    It raises a lot of issues, like whether it is an assault butt if it can be used more that 7 times.

    1. I went to the link without "absorbing" your comment. My thought was this: "Wow, if the Chicago Tribune went into this much detail on each shooting in Chicago, people would grow tired of such reporting and reporting on shootings would cease. Then I checked the Chicago Tribune. They have quit reporting on shootings. The only reports that make the newspaper are those that include deaths (anyone) or near-deaths (of rich and famous).

      Then I came back and re-read your comment. Yes, the length of this article is a good story. Having said that, it was incredibly long. I wonder if an intern wrote it and will submit it for a journalism course requirement. Smile.


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