
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Is It Just Me --- Or Are Mainstream Media Articles On Fracking Becoming Just a Bit Less Alarming in Tone?

"Anon 1" sends this link: An Energy Lifeline: Fracking a Game-Changer for U.S. Economy

From the mainstream media:
Driving along the narrow roads of southwest Pennsylvania through the hamlet of West Middletown, you can't miss the legacy the declining coal industry has left behind. Barbed, leafless tree branches reach across the road as the wild landscape slowly reclaims the town's once majestic homes.
But head just a few miles down the road from the crumbling town and a different picture of the area emerges. Pristine new white fences cordon off lush farms; million-dollar state-of-the-art barns have replaced rickety, decaying wooden ones.
Perhaps most important is the increasing number of forest-green well pads that now dot manmade gravel mounds in the Pennsylvanian foothills, an emblem of the booming natural-gas industry that has sprouted from the dying embers of the coal industry in just a few short years.
As much as the discovery of massive stores of natural gas in the Marcellus Shale formation has already started transforming the state's economy and landscape, it also has the potential to fundamentally change the nation's role in the energy security conversation.
The BLM says fracking has been going on for more than sixty years in California and has a proven record of safety. (BLM = Bureau of Land Management)


  1. Why should mainstream media keep up the fight? Hollywood is ready to take up the flag with the new "Promised Land". I didn't even have to see the movie - the ads are so obviously about fraccing. While this anti-fraccing film and others (Gasland & Gasland 2) are being promoted little is made of another independent film Frac Nation.

  2. You Tube: Gasland director Hides Full Facts

    Geo News Available at ND Geological Survey online site at

    Fred J. Anderson Geo News Vol. 38 No.1 Jan 2011

    Natural Gas Occurrences in Private
    Water Supply Wells Confirmed Across
    North Dakota
    Fred J. Anderson Geo News Vol. 40 No. 1 Jan 2013

    1. Thank you. I saw that. Very interesting. The map especially: the natural gas in wells in North Dakota were for the most part in the central and eastern part of the state where there is no drilling and no fracking.

      I posted the link at my NG page under the news, so difficult to find.

      Maybe I will move to stand-alone post on a slow news day.


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