
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Niobrara: Does This Sound Familiar?

To get up to speed if you are unfamiliar with the Niobrara, it is linked at the sidebar at the right. From one of the linked stories back in 2010:
The Niobrara formation in the Denver basin contains a mean estimated volume of 40 million barrels of oil, 330 Bcf of gas and 32 million barrels of gas liquids; Power River is estimated at 227 million barrels and 227 Bcf of gas; and the Green River Basin is estimated to hold 104 million barrels of oil, 62 Bcf of gas and 3.7 million barrels of gas liquids.
That was from the USGS, 2010,

The estimates have soared to 3.6 billion barrels.
Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. now believes it can pump the equivalent of 2.1 billion barrels of oil out of the thousands of acres of mineral rights it holds in the basin.
From another source:
The vast Niobrara shale formation, which covers much of northeastern Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska, is now estimated to be a third bigger than first thought. Two of the largest companies drilling the field, Noble Energy and Anadarko, say the area may be capable of producing as much as 3.6 billion barrels of oil over the next several years. 

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