
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Politics: Susan Rice Drops Out -- Last Post For Awhile -- Nothing in This Post is About the Bakken


December 15, 2012: Trial balloon -- Obama has picked Kerry.


  1. Only to open the door for Kerry. Looks like that was the plan to start with.

    1. The Senate is really a close-knit society; they watch out for each other. They've been working and living with each other for decades. Presidents come and go.

      Had Susan Rice not been so polarizing, she might have been approved easily -- Obama won the election in a landslide. But it didn't take much for the Senators to rally around one of their own who many feel has wanted this job for quite some time (if he couldn't win the presidency).

      I have no problems with Kerry as SecState. Reading Tim O'Brien's books on Vietnam has made a huge impression on me.

      I would vote in a minute for Kerry for SecState.

      There are other issues to consider, but from a purely "right" thing to do, John Kerry is absolutely fine. He would be very well respected throughout the world, and a worthy successor to Hillary.

    2. Bruce, You rarely get into politics. I am glad to agree with you.

    3. "[I] rarely get into politics." ? Smile.

  2. Bruce, the Swift Boaters are coming after Kerry if he is nominated for Sec. of State, so strap on your seat belt!

    1. That's fine. Like the President has said on other issues: "just noise." The senators won't even notice.


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