
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Dickinson: Projected Growth; Cost Of That Development -- $1 Billion

Assuming the EPA does not shut down the Bakken, of course.

Link here to the Bismarck Tribune.
Dickinson residents took a look at their future Thursday night and saw a population that doubles to 41,000 by 2025 and a vast array of new streets, water lines and towers, sewage lagoons and other improvements to handle it.
They also saw that the cost of $900 million to absorb 20,000 more people amounts to about $45,000 for each one of those newcomers, spread out over time.
The numbers were unveiled in a comprehensive land use plan prepared by KLJ Engineering. The plan shows how and where the city will spread out based on annexation and development requests. And it shows the infrastructure that will have to get there first and existing streets that will have to be rebuilt to carry the new traffic out there.

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