
Monday, October 1, 2012

Three Great Sports Stories In ...

... the Wall Street Journal, page B10 of the print edition.

Google how would you make this call?
Google the day America fell apart -- a short piece on the US losing the Ryder Cup despite huge lead
Google when Monday's sun sets, Dallas rises; America's Team -- the Dallas Cowboys

The Bakken has a world class links course, by the way: The Links of North Dakota.

A top 100 golf course -- Golf Digest Magazine.

On another note, I seldom read books about war (now that I am retired from the military -- though I read hundreds during three years of Air War College -- two in residence, one in seminar). There have been some exceptions, notably books by Tim O'Brien. However, this might be a good read for those interesting in first-person accounts of the military in combat: Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War, to be published this month from Random House.

An excerpt from the book or an essay related to the book is on the op-ed page of the WSJ today; google on patrol with Bravo company in Afghanistan. Excerpt:
A four-foot cobra slithered across the patrol's path. The Marines shrugged -- a snake couldn't blow off their legs.
And so it goes.

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