
Friday, September 21, 2012

This Has Got To Be The Most Fun You Will Have All Day -- September 21, 2012


The story is being carried on the front page of the WSJ. Google Apple makes a wrong turn as users blast map switch

Then, go to MacRumors, and read the comments.

Be sure not to miss:

This will be the most fun you've had all day. In fact, I would skip the first two links and go directly to "tumblr."


And then back to "things not so funny." Remember that Chicago teachers' strike. Bottom line: the teachers' union pension fund will go broke at some time, taking the state down with it. Illinois' plan: federal government bailout.
Governor Pat Quinn's 2012 budget proposal: "significant long-term improvements in the state pension debt will come from seeking a federal guarantee of the debt."
California will follow suit, no doubt. Google an Illinois pension bailout?

And, eventually, NoDaks will join the other 48 states bailing out California and Illinois.


  1. as a resident of Illinois, I thank all the people of North Dakota (in advance) for bailing us out. its our tried and true democrat leadership that has put us in this mess and it has gotten worse since our 66% state tax increse last year! As a mineral rights owner in North Dakota, I am mad as hell, I have to help bailout the idiots in Illinois!!! How is that for funny?

    1. I think the better word would be "irony."

      Not to despair: if Greece can kick this deficit/debt can down the road for 50 years, I'm sure Illinois and California can kick the same can down the road for at least another ten years.


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