
Friday, August 3, 2012

External Links (Sidebar To the Right) -- New URL for -->

I wish I could do justice to all the great Bakken-related sites that are out there. I link them, of course, when I find them, but there are so many links on the sidebar at the right, it's probably not easy for any specific link to stand out. But, "it is what it is."

Near the bottom of the sidebar are some links to external sites. One site has a new URL:
With regard to the website on the Bakken at that you've linked to on your Million Dollar Way blog: the site was recently moved to The site is essentially the same, just on a new domain.
If I didn't make any mistakes, the new URL should now be seen, and the link, hopefully works.

By the way, I haven't visited most of those external sites in a long time. If any of the external links are no longer valid, or if they are broken, please let me know.



    It is hard to keep up with the Bakken stories. You might have posted this.

    Anon 1

    1. I remember seeing the article, and I'm sure I posted it/linked it. But it never hurts to post it again; another great article. Maybe I need to post it again:

      "Domestically, the energy bonanza changes the American outlook far more dramatically than most people yet realize. This is a Big One, a game changer, and it will likely be a major factor in propelling the U.S. to the next (and still unknown) stage of development — toward the next incarnation of the American Dream."

  2. A bit of an increase:

    "Eight of the 20 commodity categories tracked by the AAR saw carload gains in July 2012 compared with July 2011, including: petroleum and petroleum products, up 13,368 carloads, or 47.2 percent..."

    anon 1

    1. Incredible numbers...time for a short stand-alone post.

  3. I took a look at, while it is not the incredible source of information that your Million Dollar Way is the graphics were impressive.

    I came away with feeling they are about putting lid on the enthusiasm about the Bakken and the Williston Basin in general. Their attempt to do a comparative about the overall potential production and overall consumption in the US was off base, making it sound like this is just a piddle and will not solve the need for petroleum or lead to energy independence.

    Gee I don't recall the Williston Basin being sold as a sole source to fossil fuel ushering in a new day of energy independence for the country. This kind of tactic ignores the hydrocarbon revolution taking place in the country. I was not impressed.

    Maybe they are a less obvious about their attitudes in the development of our vast energy resources than the more vocal opponents displayed by the faux-enviormentalst.

    Thanks but no thanks I'm staying with the Million Dollar Way.

    1. Thank you for the kind words. You have probably been brain-washed by my "inappropriate enthusiasm" for the Bakken.

      You are correct; when I started the blog, I never expected the Bakken to solve the world's energy "crisis." I simply saw it as a pretty big story for my home state.

      I was quite surprised, early on, that the Bakken "as a laboratory" is even more important than the production with regard to the world's energy situation. And, I think, a lot of folks, as you noted, have missed that story.


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