
Monday, July 16, 2012

Fracking Sand -- In the Trenches -- CarpeDiem

A note from an observer in the trenches regarding fracking sand, CarpeDiem. com.


  1. Good example of how far the progressive left has slid into its insanity. Of course this nothing new.

    Silica has been mined in Minnesota and Wisconsin for years. It is used for construction and glass making before it was also incorporated by the oil and gas industry as a proppant.

    I remember the silliness around the Unimin purchase of an obsolete silica plant in the Minnesota River valley north of Mankato in the 1980s. The crazies environmentalist came crawling out of the Twin Cites whose activist community is centered near the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota. Try as they did to push the towns in the area around they couldn't prevent the purchase or the development and Unimin is now established with new modern plants that hires a large work force and is considered an asset to the area. The area is not scared and devastated. Instead it is a safe work environment that has improved the health of its workers. The old plant had poor ventilation causing silicosis with long time workers inside the plant.

    Does the crazies in the Twin Cities recognize that?

    Diffidently not because their real agenda is not concerns about workers or the environment. Their hidden real agenda is to destroy any development and wreck the economy and the country so they can impose their idea of utopia through big central government.

    Call it stateism, socialism, fascism or communism they have several things in common, big central government making all the economic decisions that sets up an environment for cronyism for those who play the game.

    Free markets and opportunity are destroyed because the citizens become dependent on the few crumbs thrown their way by the decision makers who live very comfortable lives.

    A very ugly picture and there are too many in our country that either don't know that or believe we are different and can really create utopia.

    The progressive left has too much power in Minnesota and it is doing great harm to the economy. I'm sure North and South Dakota are having a good laugh and hope Minnesota never sees the error of its ways. While business are locating in the Dakota's and are thriving the opposite is the case with their neighbor to the east. I guess you just can't fix stupid.

    1. Excellent point, I will have to remember that: in Minnesota it's only bad to mine sand if it's used by the oil and gas industry. It's okay to mine sand for road construction and glass.

      This article coming at the same time as the president's remark to entrepreneurs that if they have a business, they did not build it; someone else did," provides all the proof needed how crazy some folks are.

  2. I could go into further detail about the craziness that goes on in the St Anthony neighborhood of St Paul but I don't want to ruin my day. Most of its residence are attached or have ties to the University of Minnesota. If you are interested go to the web site of the St Paul Pioneer press and search for silica sand or moving silica sand through St Anthony Park neighborhood

    With more Bakken crude moving by rail to places like Albany, NY those unit trains will move through the Twin Cities and the neighborhood mentioned. I'm sure the crazies are scratching their heads to come up with ways to stop that. They were born to create a stink and they never give up.

    1. Yes, "they" ruin my day, too. That's why I have a very involved reading program (literature, science, etc) so I can avoid the crazies when I am not blogging.


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