
Sunday, July 22, 2012

For Investors Only: Natural Gas to $8 --

I don't know if ISA posted this link or not, but Don sent it (the link) to me this a.m. and reminded me that it was not many years ago that a natural gas pipeline was being considered to move natural gas from Alaska to the lower 48. My, how times have changed,

But times may change again.

The linked story talks about natural gas inventories in the US. This line early in the story did not excite me.
After Thursday’s numbers were released inventories stood at 3.163 trillion cubic feet or 19.2% above last year but only 17.5% above the five year average. 
I don't know about you, but when someone tries to suggest there's a difference between 19% and 17.5% on something like this, my eyes start to glaze over... but then the writer got my attention with the very next line:
A seemingly decent cushion until you consider as recently as May 10 stockpiles were 48.4% and 49.9% ahead of the previous year and the five year averages respectively.
Just two months ago, stockpiles were almost 50% above the 5-year average, and now, down to less than 20% -- and the air conditioning continues....

So, we'll see.

And, yes, natural gas in the Bakken is turning out to be a bigger deal than most anticipated.

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