
Monday, June 11, 2012

Random Comment on Fracking / Ceramics

An individual with a history of fracking a few wells in his lifetime sent in the following comment. It is posted over at "Frack Sand Central" this blog.  The link will take you to the comments; scroll up to see the original post and the other comments.

Knowing that some folks may not read the comments, I have re-posted it here:
The roundness gives conductivity in the frac, not the ability for the sand to 'flow' more easily, and to greater lengths.

Most Bakken wells in Canada use only 80 to 150 tonnes per well.

Bakken wells in North Dakota and south of that can use up to 1000 tonnes/well. Just depends on the depth, and the permeability of the source rock, etc.

I've studied thousands of well completions, and horizontal wells typically use anywhere from 100 to 5,000 tonnes/well, with the average well using around 1,000 tonnes or less. Just depends on the play and the depth, etc. Ceramic sands are typically used where regular sands start to crush because of the overburden pressures.