
Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Note for the Granddaughters -- Ice Cream and Importance of Reading Ingredients Closely -- For the Bakken, Skip and Scroll -- Several "Draft" Posts Re-Posted

Last night we walked to the local grocery store to pick up something for an impromptu-picnic.

Ben and Jerry's ice cream was on special so they each got to pick their favorite.

The younger one chose "Cherry Garcia" since she recognized "Garcia" as the maternal family name. The older one said the younger one did not like cherries and would not like this selection.

Sure enough, later that evening when eating ice cream, the younger one said she did not care for Cherry Garcia because she didn't like cherries.

The older one, always being helpful, pointed out that it was always important to read the ingredients carefully.

In this case, one hardly had to read the ingredients carefully. The name of the ice cream would have been a huge tip-off.

"Anonymous" requested a stand-alone story about the granddaughters.  This post will self-destruct in 24 hours.


  1. What is wrong with people??? I'm sorry, but I can't for the life of me understand the mentality of people who want to complain about what you chose to write about in your blog!!?! Now, IF we paid for a subscription (which I find astonishing we don't have to, considering the vast amount of information we can get FOR FREE!!), I could see someone may want to critique your blog. But really now!!!...
    I happen to LOVE the Note to Granddaughters as I find it "icing on the cake"!!
    Please don't let the naysayers get you to do anything different on YOUR blog!!!

    I really admire your calm restraint in dealing with such nonsense! So if you don't want to publish this comment, I understand. But I do want you to know how much I appreciate your blog!!


    1. Patty,

      Thank you for your kind words.

      It's really a problem for me. To some extent, I would like to stay ONLY on the Bakken, but it gets a bit boring, even for me. Often, I am typing away, writing these while waiting for additional news from the Bakken. For some folks, to see this "granddaughter stuff" is probably disconcerting, and that's why I add the "For the Bakken, Skip and Scroll."

      Somewhere early on I mentioned I wanted to keep this blog at the level one might expect to "hear" at one's local diner, e.g., the Economart, in Williston.

      I don't have the expertise or knowledge to move to a "higher level" as some have suggested. For that, I would recommend Mike Filloon, probably the best on the Bakken, and unlike me, he can stay on topic. I am also enjoying JJ Butler's "Independent Stock Analysis" and RBN Energy's blog (the latter is particularly good). I also enjoy Carpe Diem. I think all of those are at a much high level and much more sophisticated that my blog.

      But, it is interesting. I have folks writing me asking for information who do not understand the Bakken at all, and I feel good that folks think I am, or my blog is, approachable.

      So, with regard to comments this is the range I get:

      a) the ones you refer to; and I seldom post. I actually almost never read to the end of their comments because one can tell immediately what they plan to write. "Idiot," "self-serving," "stupid," "German national socialist," are good tip offs. What amazes me most about these folks (I think there is only one, actually), he/she checks in on my site continuously throughout the day.

      b) From older folks who can barely use the internet; are living far from North Dakota; have inherited ten acres of mineral rights; have no clue what the Bakken is, and are trying to get information they can understand.

      c) Folks like you who enjoy the blog for a number of reasons.

      d) Fairly sophisticated investors or fairly sophisticated armchair oil analysts who send me some great links. Seventy-five percent of my stories originate with links from others.

      e) E-mail from Wall Street analysts who send me e-mail directly asking for specific information. I know I disappoint this group the most. This is not an investment site, and I just don't know enough to provide them the data they are looking for. But in the aggregate, they can start to put a picture together regarding the Bakken.

      I've left out some groups but you get an idea of the range of folks who read and write to me.

      By the way, this gives me a chance to say it again. The real data is in the archives linked at the sidebar at the right. I think a lot of folks don't know how useful the archives are. The daily postings, are to some extent throwaways; the information updated at the links at the sidebar tells a more complete story.

      I get a real kick out of it. I would write a bit more, but the granddaughters are calling me. Oh, never mind.

      I had no plans to ever have a "Note to the Granddaughters as a Stand-Alone" but when "anonymous" complained about my notes, I thought I would show him/her how bad it could really be! Smile. So I have no plans to ever do this again -- a "Granddaughters" note as a stand-alone post.

      One last rambling note: the other reason I post about the granddaughters, music, literature, is to remind myself there are more important "things" than the Bakken. I also want to let folks know that I DO have some outside interests. Smile.

      So, enjoy.


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