
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

South Heart Eyes 200-Unit Crew Camp -- Near The Heart of Whiting's Pronghorn Prospect

Link here to Dickinson Press.
The city has given the go-ahead for construction of a 200-unit crew camp, but the company interested in the project has yet to find a place to build it.

South Heart City Council members unanimously decided May 9 that Texas-based Ameri-Tech Industries, LLC may build the facility.
On the south side of the interstate, South Heart is inside the Zenith oil field


  1. Got to give those North Dakotans credit. Common sense usually wins out. May take some time but it will surface and they go about getting things done.

  2. Yes, I was impressed.

    I suppose some folks started noticing that if projects are denied in one area, the promoters move somewhere else: that "somewhere else" gets the shovel-ready jobs, the tax revenue; while the jurisdiction that denied the projects get the heavier truck traffic of workers going to and from work.


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