
Thursday, May 24, 2012

North Dakota to Texas Renaissance Zone -- Kansas -- A Second Bakken? -- CarpeDiem

Link here to interesting note on the Kansas oil boom. Something tells me this will be another state that will be watching the fracking EPA story closely, along with North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and others.


  1. I like this news...a lot.

  2. Kansas oil has been like most other oil fields, easy reervoirs then kaput nothing. Deepest well in KS is probably less than 7500 ft, most oil gotten was down less than a mile. KS has mega shale underlayment its fairly well saturated even close to the surface. Its easy to see in the road cuts.

    Kansas has enormous potential for mining nucleated particulate oil from shale, Most of the last 10 years has seen no innovation and a static oil e&p enviroment where the only new action was in enhanced recovery.

    Would love to see some deep core data from some of the existing fields, me thinks the surprises will come from the recognition that Kansas oil has been a story about near surface pools, nothing was known about the deep stuff because practically everyone was locked into the old tired awareness about how oil came to be. Therefore all history said that the pool exhaustion, Kansas had nothing to offer...its the same story in Ohio, their Oil industry was written off as dead...but no one knew a thing about anything below 7500 ft. same with Kansas.

    1. Incredible post, thank you.

      One wonders what the real potential is; it sure seems interesting, fortuitous, lucky, something that all these shale deposits are being found all of a sudden.

      XOM once said there were no more elephant fields to be found. I wonder if XOM, too, missed the potential of shale, instead looking for humongous liquid pools? I don't know; I am just thinking out loud. Dangerous.

      In other words, if the Bakken were a liquid pool, would XOM consider it an "elephant field"? Discovered after it was said there were no more elephant pools to be found.

    2. XOM current CEO was a true frack pioneer and innovator. However all the Big Oil companies are deep into fostering Peak Oil nonsense, they have routinely stonewalled the progress of the independents, by absorption.

      Have no love for old oil, they controlled the media the lobbyists, and news about oil. XOM is not the worst of that lot, some are much worse. In reading old NDIC newsletters the often quoted stories of ND oil were framed by the geology, according to some of the big oiligarchs....

      All oil down to 5 miles is made by nucleation whether it's pooled or shale. 100% of oil is directly within a 300 mile impactor world wide, and where there is no known impactor, yet there is oil, then the impactor is the missing component...but if you look hard and far enough, you will find it.

      The only proof / truth of actual oil formation, has been recorded by space observations through studying the two impactors affecting jupiter, Hubble and other instruments took pictures in real time. its embarrassing really how our experts have duped everyone so convincingly with their nonsense curriculum about oil.

      Ignorance is bliss or a choice, many oil industry mouthpieces made these choices long ago benefitted from the control and dissemination of information. One lie after another.

    3. Great post, again; thank you.

      Whether on purpose or not, I do love that word: "oiligarchs."

      Have a great Memorial Day weekend.


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