
Monday, April 30, 2012

Phil Jackson Not Mentioned

On page 8B of today's Wall Street Journal (no link; hard copy), Jared Diamond writes that Carmelo Anthony of the New York Knicks currently holds the individual record for worst playoff record with a 0.320 win record.

On the flip side, who holds the record for most post-season wins? Michael Jordan.

And then this little nugget: "The rest of the top ten? Nine of Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls teammates."


Not mentioned in the short article: coach of the Chicago Bulls during their remarkable championship run -- Phil Jackson. Somewhere on the blog I have a photo of his childhood home in Williston, one block from where I grew up.

For newbies: Phil Jackson graduated from Williston High School, played for the New York Knicks, wrote a couple of great books, probably enjoys Leonard Cohen, and recently retired as coach of the LA Lakers.

Trivia: I wonder if Jared Diamond is the same Jared Diamond known for the best-selling books, The Third Chimpanzee (one of my favorites); Guns, Germs, and Steel (did not enjoy as much); and, Collapse (have not read).  If so, watch for a book on the evolution of sports in the not-too-distant future.


  1. I had heard he grew up on West Broadway in Williston? Just so happens to be where I grew up and my parents still reside as well.

    1. It's likely he lived in more than one place growing up. My dad moved our family three times in Williston, although I only lived in two of the three houses.


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