
Saturday, April 28, 2012

No Blogging Until Later -- Several Items Added Yesterday


  1. I know you and I share a concern about an attack on Fracking in a 2nd Obama term. Irregardless of the recent policy announcements by the admin my concerns continue.

    I was listening to the Larry Kudlow show this morning and there was a panel discussion with the Wells Fargo Chief Economist, Mr Kudlow and another guest (A former Bush official whose name escapes me with current prominent position in private industry.)

    One of the guests expressed a solid concern for fracking based on his contacts in the industry. I may try and listen to the podcast if I can find it.

    1. Presidents are change agents.

      This president will go down in history as changing health care in this country if it survives the Supreme Court challenge.

      Likewise, he would like to go down in history as the president who put the nation on a path to renewable energy (solar, wind) only. And the only way to do that is to destroy the oil and gas industry and drive gasoline to prices making solar and wind competitive. The $9/gallon gasoline by his SecEnergy was a trail balloon. Mainstream media pretty much ignored it, giving the administration the "all green"signal.

    2. Just listened to part of Kudlow. Congressman Terry from Nebraska(I think) expressed strong concern over the future of Fracking. Kudlow said Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma is very worried about the future of Fracking


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