
Friday, March 9, 2012

Oil Up $1.40 -- Oil Is Trading Like the Fuel of the Future -- For Investors Only

Oil is the fuel of the past -- the President
Algae is where the future lies


Later: I guess when the President speaks, God listens. A 120-mile algae plume can be seen from space.  Wow, you can't make this stuff up.
The Great Wall of China has company. It is a 120-mile-wide, bright green bloom that has been discovered floating in the ocean off the coast of Antarctica. It's a sea of algae, and it is visible from space. Scientists in Australia discovered the bloom in satellite photos taken more than 400 miles away. The giant growth most likely sprouted because of heavy winds during Antarctica's summer that blew snow into the water. There's a lot of iron in the snow, and the algae has thrived on it. The bloom has become a sort of cafeteria for aquatic animals such as whales, penguins, seals, and fish. But eventually it will disappear on its own and shouldn't have any negative environmental impact.
Why would there be any negative environmental impact? The writer says it's become a cafeteria for penguins and seals, and it's the energy of the future.

Original post

The jump in the oil price today, frankly, surprises me. There is no news. The Greece play has played out. The market has already priced in the 2.6 million Iranian bbls of oil taken off the market. It will take six months for the Israelis to get "bunker busters" and refueling planes from the US. The strength of the dollar has not changed; if anything, it's up slightly against the euro today. The dollar is having one of its best days -- just on CNBC -- a significantly stronger dollar. The unemployment rate did not change; the few added jobs did not move the needle.

The tickers at the right, on the sidebar, are pretty much all green. CVX is 75 cents from an all-time high -- not a 52-week high, but an all-time high. KOG is testing $10 again, right at $9.99 now.

11:00 a.m. EST -- oil up $1.40 on the television crawler.

As noted elsewhere, I don't care for Motley Fool, but how could I pass up on this one: according to one of their contributors, DNR is the best oil company investment.  Note: I do not hold or trade in DNR. I have no connection with DNR. I have a close friend who has told me numerous times, however, that DNR is one of his favorite companies. DNR has a unique niche in the oil and gas industry. Again, this is not an investment site; see disclaimer.


  1. Perhaps because news has very little bearing on the price of oil?

    1. Ahhhh -- no.

      In this case, more likely it was the news that brought the price of oil down this past week, and now it's just trending back to where it was.

      I just assumed that with no news, the trend would continue to be down.


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