
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Oakdale Field Updated -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Data for Oakdale oil field has been updated. This field includes CLR's outstanding Carson Peak/Morris Eco-Pad.  One well has produced more than 200,000 bbls in the first seven months.


  1. The economic boom of North Dakota is having impact far and wide and that it goes beyond just the region. Think steel production for casings, and products made far from the state but are used in large quantities. Where there is demand the free market will find a way to supply.

    Nice article in the Rapid City Journal of the economic impact North Dakota is having there.

    1. Yes, that was an excellent article. I just posted it earlier.

      I have always said the BIG story about the Bakken was not the production, but it started the ball rolling, and it has become a laboratory for testing new technology. And as you say, the sand, the steel, and, as a reminder all the new housing was manufactured out of state and trucked north to be attached to garages built at the site. And much, much more.

  2. Bruce always on top of things. Glad to see you already have posted it.


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