
Friday, March 9, 2012

Fracking Backlog Continues -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Of the six new wells reporting today in North Dakota, only two reported IPs. The rest are still waiting to be completed. 2/6 --> only 1/3 of wells that reported today were completed.


  1. EnerVest says that, in the Utica, CHK is now waiting 30-90 days after fracing before producing - it helps the water dissipate. Works better.

    I haven't seen other discussion of this idea.

    That might be happening in some WB wells.

    anon 1

  2. It's possible but the companies have six months from spudding to reporting and they can hit total depth in less than 30 days. I don't follow it closely enough to prove it statistically, but it seems to me that, although the backlog is there, they are fracking more quickly. Wells don't seem to stay on DRL status as long (DRL status: time between reaching total depth and being completed).


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