
Friday, March 16, 2012

Did They Not Know This?

CNBC seems to be dropping the ball in helping investors figure out the impact of sanctions on Iran.

First, CNBC was late in reporting, in general, that the effects of the Iranian sanctions scheduled for July 1, 2012, would be felt sooner. It turns out, much sooner. (Actually, I don't think CNBC ever reported on this or commented on this, even after the fact.)

Second, they reported after it happened, that insurers were no longer insuring ocean-going tankers carrying oil from Iran. This was January 23, 2012, if I recall. That was when oil first spiked due to sanctions on Iran. Most of us, I assume, were expecting this spike to occur later this spring/summer. I blogged on that earlier.

Now, third, today, we learn, just as the market is closing, with Brent/WTI surging, that Iran will no longer be able to use electronic payment system starting tomorrow. When did CNBC know this? When did "speculators" know this? I follow the news pretty closely, and this was the first I heard of it.

This is March 16, 2012. The sanctions go into effect July 1, 2012. What other "things" (already on the Iranian sanctions calendar ) are scheduled to  happen between now and then that will affect the price of oil? My hunch is that the "speculators" know these calendar events.

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