
Friday, February 10, 2012

Electric Truck Catches Fire -- Not Once But Twice -- Nothing To Do With the Bakken

Arne sent me this link. I would have missed it.
A hybrid electric truck caught fire twice in Allentown on Wednesday afternoon. The small, but smoky fires warped the front of its 24-foot-long box enclosure, but no one was hurt.

City firefighters let the truck's 24 lithium ion batteries smolder while Zero Truck Corp., the 905 Harrison St. company that owns the truck, called for technicians to remove the batteries safely.

"That's 400 volts," said fire Battalion Chief Scott Henrick. "We're not touching that."

The technicians did not arrive Wednesday, but the truck was moved to a secure lot behind the Zero Truck building. Henrick said company officials hope to have the experts look at the truck Thursday morning.
Wow, talk about a lot of energy in responding and securing, and it appears the story is still not over. The technicians had yet to arrive.

Maybe it's just me, but for the very few coal-powered vehicles that are out there (in comparison to "conventional" vehicles) it sure seems like there are a lot of fires.


  1. how does this escape scrutiney in the "news Media"? maybe its time to light the fire on the news scene. everyone complains when you need to call for help and "your phone call is important to us' and you are put on hold for 30 minutes but when you have a new energy saver problem-it will be days before help arrives. and nobody is made aware. time for a change in media and washington....

  2. Sacred Cows get special treatment, that is why they are sacred. Just like bird grinding wind turbines don't kill birds.

    However if you are not political correct then there is no leniency for you. Can someone say double standard.

    1. You are so correct. It's been interesting to watch the print media: they have only so much space to print stories, and obviously the editorial staff decides what gets printed, and what doesn't get printed. Electric vehicles get a pass; even Ralph "unsafe at any speed" Nader elects to ignore these stories.

      Thank goodness for the internet.


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