
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Whiting's Multi-Well Pad (Permits) in the Sanish -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Locator: 9999B.

In today's daily activity report, NDIC reports permits for a Whiting 3-well pad in the Sanish oil field.

Whiting has provided graphics of how they planned to drill their cash cow, the Sanish oil field, in their corporate presentations over the past year. They have never shown a multi-well pad in those graphics, unless they have shown this in a new corporate presentation that I have not seen.

A multi-well pad in the Sanish is rare, but this is not the first.

Whiting is already putting five to six wells in some sections (1280-acre spacing) but this is a rare multi-well pad for them in the Sanish.

I was surprised to hear today that folks are still unaware that there are areas in the Bakken in which there are more than one or two wells in a section. Whiting has been putting in four to six wells in individual sections (1280-acre spacing) for quite some time now.

The permits for this multi-well pad are:

  • 22173, 1,180, Whiting, Carl Kannianen 22-32TFX, section 32-154-91; t9/12; cum 182K 3/17;
  • 22174, 3,126, Whiting, Kannianen 22-32XH, section 32-154-91; t9/12; cum 354K 3/17;
  • 22175, 1,249, Whiting, Kannianen 22-32TFX, section 32-154-91; t9/12; cum 198K 3/17;
These three will be on one pad; the pad will lie on a northwest to southeast line.

There are already two horizontals in this section:
  • 18298,  3,422, Whiting, Kannianen 44-33H, Sanish; t1/10; cum 664K 3/17; 10K/month in May 2012; the well was taken off-line in September, 2011, and did not produce again until 11/11 when it was active for 2 days, producing 960 bbls in November, 2011; when active it produces 15,000 bbls/month
  • 19174, 2,090, Whiting, Kannianen 43-33H, Sanish; s7/10; t10/10; cum 365K 3/17; 1,300 bbls in May, 2012; the well was taken off-line in September, 2011, and did not produce until 11/11 when it produced 754 bbls over 9 days; prior to that, it was producing 12,000 bbls/month

There is another Whiting 3-well pad in the Sanish, very similar nomenclature:
  • 21988, A , Whiting, Tiisto 44-7TFX, section 7-154-91; t5/12; cum 150K 3/17;
  • 21989, 2,480, Whiting, Tiisto 44-7XH, section 7-154-91; t5/12; cum 346K 3/17;
  • 21990, 688, Whiting, Tiisto 43-7TFX, section 7-154-91; t4/12; cum 133K 3/17;