
Friday, January 27, 2012

Warren To Ship Western Coal to West Coast --> China

Warms the cockles of my heart. I have been following this story for some time.

All I can think of is all those dads and moms who will finally find work.

Work defines folks. Period. Dot. I can't think of many things more sad (sadder?) than folks who desperately want to work and can't find jobs. Somehow "occupiers" living off the largesse of their families or trust funds in the urban cities on the East Coast with the intent of denying others work is the height of hypocrisy. Carrying the banner of "environmentalism" doesn't do it for me.

The Spanish conquistadors, in their quest for gold, were preceded by priests carrying the banner of Catholicism. Not much as changed. Just the word on the banner.

In case the link is broken, this is what the story is all about:
Despite opposition from environmentalists and downtown Rainier, Wash., business owners, port commissioners Wednesday approved lease options for two coal terminals that would ship Powder River Basin coal from Wyoming and Montana mines to customers in Asia.

The five-member Port of St. Helens commission unanimously approved a lease option from Pacific Transloading LLC, a subsidiary of Australian coal company Ambre Energy, to operate a barge unloading dock at Port Westward, north of town.

Commissioners also voted 4-1 to approve a lease option from Houston-based energy giant Kinder Morgan to build potentially the largest coal terminal on the U.S. West Coast.


  1. Looks like Warren will be getting his cars fixed in Minot...

  2. Simple point of order, since it is my backyard- Rainier is in OR not WA. Although as stated in article Stella is in WA. This is only important because I can see this happening in Oregon but not Washington (my home state) as State has become overwhelmed with "eco-wingnuts) and very anti business. Boeing split for that very reason.
    Bruce, not your error, just noticed in main article.

    1. Thank you. I sometimes read too fast, and I kept looking for MY error, until I saw your last line. Smile.

      I thought I made the error because I have a brother-in-law in Portland, who works at one of the grain terminals. Thus, when I visit, I follow the port news very, very carefully.

      I've been following this story for quite some time. I appreciate your support. I am truly getting tired of dads (and moms) not being able to find work due to irresponsible and uncaring policies.


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