
Friday, January 20, 2012

Ten (10) New Permits -- Two Great Oasis Wells -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Daily activity report, January 20, 2012 --

Operators: Whiting (5), OXY USA (2), Petro-Hunt, Crescent Point, CLR

Fields:  Cabernet, Murphy Creek, Clear Creek, Green River, Bell, Wildrose

OXY USA must be getting tired of those low IPs in Dimond field; both of their new permits are in good fields, Murphy Creek and the Cabernet. I am not impressed with OXY USA wells in Dimond oil field.

Crescent point has another wildcat in Williams County; it had a wildcat in Williams County (yesterday -- or at least earlier this week, forget which day)

Four of Whiting's five permits are for the Bell field which looks like a very, very good field. The fifth permit is in Green River, just a few miles northwest of Dickinson and in the same general vicinity of Bell Field (southwest Dunn County). Whiting has one good well there, a Three Forks well fractured with 22 stages and 2.5 million lbs of sand
  • 19562, 412, Whiting, Brueni 28-1H, Green River, Three Forks, s10/10; t3/11; cum 44K 11/11; 22 stages, 2.5 million lbs
Nine wells were released from confidential status; seven were fracked / completed, including:
  • 19953, 1,543, Oasis, Driesbach 5602 44-32H, Williams County
  • 20201, 913, ERF, Birdbear 6C-1H, Dunn County
  • 20202, 2,634, Oasis, Mallard 5692 21-20H, Mountrail County


  1. So who os OXY going to buy out they r to big of a company ti only have such a small stake

    1. You could say that about several companies in the Bakken: a) WMB (Dakota-3) comes to mind; b) CLR comes to mind -- I truly think CLR wants to have a headline: 1 million net acres; c) COP (BR) has the cash; d) Hess has bought Tracker and AEZ and could buy more.

      Petro-Hunt is getting very, very interesting. Denbury Onshore could acquire more.

      Statoil buying BEXP was so far off everybody's radar, I don't think anyone (unless an insider) can guess what will happen next.

      I think Petro Harvester is in an acquiring mood.


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