
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Wells Reporting Today -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

New wells reporting so far today have been posted elsewhere; again, thank you Karen.

Two caught my eye:
The Oasis well caught my eye because of the IP.

The KOG well caught my eye because of its name. I have no idea how the name was chosen; perhaps after someone currently living in the area, and/or after a township so named.

But I did know a wonderful woman many, many years ago: Ms Mildred Manger, her family name. She never married. Well into her senior years (I would hazard to guess how old she was then) she was my Sunday School teacher at First Lutheran Church when I was in elementary/middle school. I don't recall the exact years.

But I do know that her parents homesteaded in the Spring Brook/Epping area, and I always associated her family with the families I read about in Giants in the Earth.

Regardless of how this well came to gets its name, it brought back pleasant memories, albeit not pleasant at the time. She was a very, very serious Sunday School teacher.

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