
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Congratulations To All The Oil Workers and Oil Industry Supporters in North Dakota -- 500,000+ Bbls Per Day


Jamestown Sun's perspective on the 500,000 bopd milestone.

Original Post
CRC wrote:
Congratulations North Dakota oil industry for going over the half a million barrels a day in production. A big shout out to the rig workers and all who support them, the people working on increasing the takeaway capacity and the independent oil companies that believed in North Dakota's potential and made it happen. May your success continue because our country certainly needs and benefits from what you are doing.
And I concur.

Congratulations to all who are working day in/day out to make this happen (and a special thank you to the folks who are working the night shifts in sub-zero North Dakota weather tonight).

A big thank you to the truck drivers and the rough necks. A big thank you to the motel/hotel managers who have gone out of their way to find housing for those in desperate situations -- and you know who you are. (For those who are not aware, when all rooms are filled, and someone desperately needs a place to stay, the night managers get on the phone and start calling around, looking for anything. And in some cases, some night managers will get out a roll-away bed and set it up somewhere in the lobby or one of the halls for folks to have a place to stay. In addition, there are any number of pastors/priests that have found housing -- sometimes just the church basement -- to get someone through the night.)

I don't know what Wal-Mart's policy is, but I know a lot of RVs continue to find a spot to stay in their huge parking lot. Sam Walton would be smiling.

A huge thank you to the city and county commissioners; I don't always agree with them, but I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

I can't single out everyone, but suffice it to say, I have a lot of respect for all the folks who are making this happen. Thank you.

Link to Carpe Diem on this milestone.


  1. So how many bopd is nd expected to reach

  2. If there are no govt restrictions, and the price of oil supports it, the tea leaves tell me 1.5 million bopd.

    If the EPA has it's way, we'll be back to 100,000 bopd.

  3. Today, the benchmark natural gas price is $2.83 with the heating oil benchmark at $3.11. Without crunching the numbers this is close to a WHOLESALE BENCHMARK ten to one decoupling of oil and natural gas prices based on BTU.

    Admittedly we have had a mild winter so far (but diesel is the same base stock and heating oil) bu this decoupling spread is historic and a "game changer" for USA energy.

    If we want to coin a term how about "Bakkeneer" (like the pirate Buccaneer")
    I have been following the Bakken for more than two years. It has been a remarkable ride. The real "heroes are the people who worked directly to make this happen. I hope they made a lot of money and built up a good "nest egg".

    The Bakken is the beachhead to restoring USA greatness. Republicans to Obama: The Whole Country Can be Rich

    Read more:

  4. Thank you. See stand-alone post in reply.

  5. Love the tidbits about Williston,my home town which I dearly love. Along with the Million Dollar Way, do you recall that the service road from Murphy Motors to the North station of the Am.State Bank was called the Silver Strip?

  6. I did not know that. I was probably mistaken thinking that was the south end of Million Dollar way.

    The Silver Strip.....maybe -- either it's coming back to me,.... or your note has fired my imagination.

    I graduated from high school in 1969 ...

    First coming of age memory: Junior High (middle school); lunch at "THE HUT"; smell of French Fries; shoulder-to-shoulder; couldn't squeeze in more at lunch; pinball; a dime; I couldn't afford 3 games/quarter; a couple of us thought we were the next pinball wizards; well before the album was released in 1969; red licorice.

    I think "THE HUT" had one or two names; changes in management.

  7. For me, one of the first 'fast food' places I remember going to was a place called 'BUD's BIG BOY'. Not on the Million Dollar way but not too far off of it either. sigh.. I suppose that place is long gone now too....good memories though! Dave

  8. Wow, I do not recall "Bud's BIG BOY."

  9. Back in the 1970's there was the "Big Boy" fast foot chain with the boy in the checkerboard bib pants.

    1. Yes, I know that franchise well; I attended school out in Los Angeles, where Big Boy was "big."

      I assume the "Big Boy" in Williston was a local restaurant.


    1. I don't mind silly answers. I feel badly when I can't provide a good answer. But I'm sure learning a lot.

  11. Hey Bruce Good Morning say do you know whats happening with the Matthew Schmidt Well Thank You Gene

  12. No file number, but I assume you are talking about:
    18427, IP: 876, OXY USA/Anschutz, Matthew Schmidt 1-35-2H-143-97, Cabernet, Bakken, s2/10; t5/10; F; cum 110K 11/11.

    I don't know in which context you are asking the question, but I assume you noted the decreased production in November.

    It came off the confidential list a long time ago; it is in the Cabernet field so it will be a great well; it had a typical Bakken decline rate but still produces 4,500 bbls/month. It was taken off-line in November, 2011 (only produced for 5 days) so I assume they are putting a pump on it. NDIC still shows no pump as of November, 2011, posting.

    Pumps don't result in increased production, per se, but are needed to get the oil to the surface when the pressure pushing the oil out declines.

    This well targeted the middle Bakken and WAS NOT stimulated.


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