
Friday, December 23, 2011

Update on Williston Basin Activity in Northeastern Montana

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Native American Energy Group provided Wednesday an operational update on its recently announced five-well workover program of the company's lease holdings located in the Williston Basin in northeastern Montana:

Wright 5-35: In early December, NAGP completed the initial workover of the Wright 5-35 well, located on the company's 160-acre lease in McCone County, Montana....

NAGP is currently engaged in the workover, lateral jetting and winterization of the Beery 2-24 ... Beery 22-24 also saw work.... The Beery property produced approximately 350,000 barrels of the two million barrels of cumulative oil produced in the entire field.
Sandvick 1-11:  After jetting the laterals in the Ratcliffe formation, almost immediately, approximately 60 barrels of oil flowed back into the pits on location which indicated that NAGP definitely stimulated the pay zone.

The workover of the Cox 7-1 well was completed in late September and the well was brought online ...

Commenting on the Company's field operations, Doyle (Tony) Johnson, Chief Geologist & Petroleum Engineer at NAGP, stated, "Although we're re-entering mature wells ranging from 30 to 50 years old, the application of new technologies to these wells is reaching out further into these pay zones to access more of the oil in the reservoirs than the original completions in the past. Having been a part of many EOR projects during my 38 year career, I am very impressed with the results we are achieving with the various technologies we are applying on these wells, ...

I was completely unaware of this company. The EOR angle and the age of these wells are interesting data points for those wondering how long the Bakken wells might produce.

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