
Monday, December 19, 2011

Statoil/BEXP Reports Great IP in the Bull's Eye of the Bakken -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

I just got a note that Statoil released the IP on the Banks State well: 3,179, Banks oil field.

See first comment for link and 42-stage frack info.

I assume it is:
  • 20630, 3,179, BEXP, Banks State 16-21 1H, Banks, Bakken.  Right in the bull's eye of the Bakken, northeast McKenzie County; t9/11; cum 286K 8/14;  on same pad as:
  • 19876, 2,879, BEXP, Enderud 9-4 1H, Banks, 36K in first month of production (less than 30 days of production);  t10/11; GL; cum 224K 8/14;] 39-stage frac; 4.1 million lbs sand frac including 2.5 million lbs ceramic
  • 20631, 3,166, BEXP, Enderud 9-4 2H, Banks; t9/11; cum 244K 8/14;
These three wells are on the same pad, right in the bull's eye of the Bakken, northeast McKenzie.

This is quite incredible.

This is where the well is being followed.

A big thank you to anonymous for sending me this update.


  1. It's interesting to note that Brigham fracked the Enderud 9-4 2H with 42 stages! It's showing up on the Brigham "Wells Completed" pages on their web page. I don't believe I've seen one that high before.

  2. 36 stage-frack: several by BEXP, but I think you are correct. A quick look I didn't find any other 42-stage frack.

    Pretty impressive.

  3. I'm a "Banks Field Groupie" and my unsubstantiated, no-inside-knowledge hope is that the Enderud 9-4 1H is a Three Forks well. Would auger well for 8? wells per 1280 (4 Bakken + 4 Three Forks). Should know in January.

  4. If not this one, eventually multiple Three Forks wells. Just a hunch. But if not here, where? This is definitely the Bakken core.


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